How to treat prostate in men — tips and suggestions

Prostatitis – the difficult and very sensitive issue for any man, even more, many are shy and are afraid of this diagnosis, therefore, drawn from a visit to the doctor. But one must remember that the before you start treatment, the more chances of achieving positive results and the long years of a life more full. The treatment of prostatitis require an integrated approach, to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and prevent complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.

the diagnosis of prostatitis

The diagnosis of prostatitis

Before you begin to treat the prostate, every man must go through a screening. This is necessary in order to establish the cause and manner of disease. Typically, the diagnosis is not simple has a urologist, so the possibility of arming incorrect diagnoses and target inappropriate use of the treatment is insignificant.

The diagnostic procedures necessary to prostatitis, bring some discomfort and discomfort for the patient, but without them, unfortunately, is not possible.

After collection of anamnesis and general examination urologist performs a digital rectal exam (dre study of the prostate and the outlet of secret breast analysis. When the acute form of the disease, this procedure may cause the patient not just discomfort, but pain. The secret of the prostate is forwarded to the laboratory for analysis, which allows you to define the form of the disease (prostatitis infectious or abacterial). If the biological material reveals the causative agent of the disease, then, is determined by its sensitivity to antibiotics, which increases the effectiveness of treatment and can reduce its duration.

If necessary, the examination of touch the study is supplemented by ultrasonic examination of the prostate, which allows you to view and accurately identify your state. Ultrasound of the prostate can be performed in two ways: transabdominal (through the front abdominal wall) and transrectal (through the rectum).

Transabdominal method does not cause any discomfort to the patient, but also of informational content significantly lower than in the second method. When such is denied, your doctor can determine the settings of the breast, but to obtain data on the state of the tissues of the prostate is not possible. However Transabdominal method is used for the protecting of diagnosis.

Ultra ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate is very informative method of research, because the sensor ultrasonic separates from the tissue of the prostate only bulb rectal. Thanks to a modern hearing this procedure gives the minimum of discomfort to the patient, and the use of high-frequency sensors allows the doctor to see even the smallest changes in the structure of the prostate tissue.

Blood test for PSA (prostatespecific antigen)

the prostate massage

Prostatespecific antigen – a substance that is produced by the prostate gland, increasing its level in the blood, your doctor may suspect prostate disease, including prostatitis. The normal value of the DOG is considered to be 4 ng/ml. type blood analysis is not only screening diagnostic method (recommended annually to take this analysis to men with more than 50 years), but also helps the doctor assess the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases of the prostate.

The treatment of prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis and the aggravation of the chronic form of the disease is carried out related to the schemes. When a appropriate therapy occurs the complete cure of prostatitis, acute or reaches a long remission chronic form of the disease.


The selection of a drug designated for the treatment of prostatitis, is done only by a physician, based on the results of the analysis. Incorrectly attributed to therapy can lead to the emergence of the sustainability of the pathogen, which caused the prostatitis, to medications, which is significantly further complicate treatment and may contribute to the transition of acute chronic prostatitis. If the patient, shortly before the start of the treatment of prostatitis taken any antibacterial drugs about other disease, the need of this inform your doctor.

During a treatment with antibiotics when prostatitis can last more than 2 to 3 weeks, but interrupt it to the relief of the symptoms of the disease is not possible, how to reduce the dose of medication that is designated and change the layout to your admission.

Detoxification therapy and receive pain relievers that may be required in severe prostatitis acute. In such cases, the treatment is performed in a hospital.

The local therapy


Physical therapy helps to improve the trophism tissue of the prostate gland and speed up the recovery process. It is possible to use the following methods of physiotherapy: ultra micro-hyperthermia, diadynamophoresis, therapy laser, ultrasound, phonophoresis.

The candles prostatitis

candles in the treatment of prostatitis

Suppositories rectal for the treatment of prostatitis have high efficiency, since they operate substances arrive to a focus of inflammation at the highest concentration. Candles can contain antispasmodics, anti-bacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substance. Its application is often recommended by your doctor and for the prevention of exacerbations of prostatitis chronic.

The more popular suppositories rectal propolis, Ichthyol and buckthorn candles and suppositories, which include peptides, extracted from the prostate gland.

Prostate massage

This procedure is one of the most effective methods for the treatment of prostatitis. Thanks to it, have accumulated in the prostate, the secret is squeezed out of it, and then already alone is eliminated through the urethra. In addition, the prostate massage helps to improve the blood supply to the tissues in the breast, which increases the efficiency of antibacterial and local therapy.

The completion of massage of the prostate in the phase of acute inflammation, is contraindicated, since it can cause the spread of the infection. The procedure is performed when soothing acute inflammatory disease. Unfortunately, this method of treatment delivery many patients the physical and moral discomfort, but to leave him not still not worth it.

Correction of immunity

Strengthening of the immune system to the need of each patient, long-suffering inflammatory diseases of the prostate. A good status and immune response of the body to help prevent the exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. Patients are advised to strengthen the body's resistance against diseases with the help of natural methods (quenching, physical activity outdoors), natural immunomodulators (lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng siberian, ginseng) and a multi-vitamin, synthetic complex.

Surgical treatment of prostatitis is necessary in rare cases, when the occurrence of abscesses of the prostate, or stricture (contractions) of the urethra.

consultation with a doctor

In addition to drug therapy men who suffer with this disease, it is necessary to change the style of life and eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of acute or exacerbation of prostatitis chronic. You should avoid hypothermia, to abandon the consumption of alcohol and lead a sedentary life. The young men, to a leader of an active sex life, avoid the infection of the infections that are sexually transmitted, with the help of barrier methods of contraception (condoms).

Why doctor search

Prostatitis healing the doctor-urologist. To identify the infectious agent, which caused inflammation, the council venereologist'. The most comprehensive on-line help for the treatment of a disease can get a physical therapist and immunologist.